We have exciting news! Finally, after about a year of work (and a lot of patience) we are up and running with out business. Let me give you a little background on how Cawood Anchor USA came about. While...
South Africa 3: Journey’s End

Back in South Africa, Johannesburg to be specific, was heavy with deja vu. We had done nearly the same thing, nearly a year prior. Trailer in for repairs; check. Stay with our friends Roger and Jenni; check. This time...
South Africa: Adventures in Maintenance

Our return to South Africa was only supposed to be a week or two at the most. We had lined up repairs with both Conqueror, the trailer manufacturer, and Zone Off Road, a Jeep specialty shop in the Johannesburg...
Now We’re on the Road!

While I hate, abhor even, waiting, I have often found great ways to fill that time find me. This is certainly true of the time we spent waiting for the Jeep to arrive in South Africa. We arrived from...
The Fun Starts “Just Now”

We often forget about the variety of differences between home and the rest of the world. Part of the fun of traveling is seeing just what life looks like for other people, in other parts of the world. Sometimes,...