Well, what better time than sheltering in place during COVID-19 to bring our blog up to date. It is a bit shameful to realize that we have been home for 16 months and have not updated you all on...
South Africa 3: Journey’s End

Back in South Africa, Johannesburg to be specific, was heavy with deja vu. We had done nearly the same thing, nearly a year prior. Trailer in for repairs; check. Stay with our friends Roger and Jenni; check. This time...
Kenya 1: Old Friends, New Experiences

After finishing at the border post, we headed towards another camp on Lake Victoria in Kenya. Kenya took on a different look than Tanzania, even though we had only gone a few miles. More business along the road, less...
One Whole Year!

It hadn’t even dawned on us until a fellow traveler and new friend asked how long we had been traveling that we realized we have been living on the road for one year. One whole year! An entire year...