Thus far through Africa, our pace was leisurely, to say the least. Distance covered was infrequently a concern of ours. As we crossed out of Rwanda into Tanzania, this changed. The damage to the trailer needed repair at the...
Mozambique 2: Friends, New and Old

Crossing the border into Mozambique, we had steeled ourselves for the long drive through Maputo. Our last trip through Mozambique’s capital had been enough for us to know we wanted to push through. As it turned out, we had...
Swaziland: Good Things in a Small Package

It started faintly, just at the edge of my hearing. When it got so loud I couldn’t ignore it, I asked Jen, and she heard it too. It would sometimes change, softer or louder, higher pitch or lower. I...
South Africa: Adventures in Maintenance

Our return to South Africa was only supposed to be a week or two at the most. We had lined up repairs with both Conqueror, the trailer manufacturer, and Zone Off Road, a Jeep specialty shop in the Johannesburg...
Mozambique 1: This Feels Like Vacation!

After “winter” in Botswana and a couple of weeks of legitimately cool weather in the highlands of Zimbabwe, Jen and I were looking forward to the warmth of Mozambique. With warm, sandy, palm studded beaches calling our name, we...
Botswana: Lessons Learned

Touring Botswana had been great thus far. We relished the chance to slow down and get to know folks along the way. Parts were available at decent prices, so we took advantage of the opportunity to get some much...
Now We’re on the Road!

While I hate, abhor even, waiting, I have often found great ways to fill that time find me. This is certainly true of the time we spent waiting for the Jeep to arrive in South Africa. We arrived from...