While I hate, abhor even, waiting, I have often found great ways to fill that time find me. This is certainly true of the time we spent waiting for the Jeep to arrive in South Africa. We arrived from...
Madagascar, Who Knew??

We came to Madagascar with few expectations, in large part because we knew so little about the country. As we planned for our Africa trip, we did try to learn about Africa. We read books and blogs, watched videos...
Warn Industries published an article about The Pioneering Spirit!
We love writing about our adventures and sharing them with you! It’s even more exciting when someone else writes about us! Click here to read the article from WARN
The Fun Starts “Just Now”

We often forget about the variety of differences between home and the rest of the world. Part of the fun of traveling is seeing just what life looks like for other people, in other parts of the world. Sometimes,...
Getting Ready for Take-Off
It’s called Slaying the Dragon within the international travel community. I think that starting from the USA may give us an unrealistically simplified view of the process of shipping a vehicle overseas. I will wait until we are driving...
Sand Dune Driving for Africa
“It’s amazing the number of great people I have in my life that I would have never met if I didn’t own a Jeep.” We first met Lonnie on a trail run to the Tillamook National Forest. His orange...
Midsummer Update
During the last year of our planning, Pronghorn Overland Gear has been one of our most excited supporters. They committed to work with us early in the process, and are always excited to hear about what we are...
On March 29th, it happened. The event we had anticipated eagerly and anxiously, that would allow us to set in motion other pieces to the puzzle of getting our Africa trip off and rolling. We got the call from...
Safe Jack Visit
Recently we got to meet one of our sponsor companies face to face, sharing with them what we plan of doing on the trip, and connect with them more richly than can be done with just Emails and phone...
The Jeep goes on a trip without us!
It is a little unsettling to watch your vehicle pull away, loaded on a car hauler semi trailer, when that vehicle will be your “home” for the next two or three years. That’s right, last night, we finally loaded...
Road Shower Hot Water and Shower System
I will start by saying that Road Shower has partnered with The Pioneering Spirit. We have agreed to give them honest reviews of their product. With that out of the way, the honest review of their product is that...
Getting Educated
We spent most of last week on the road, heading to McCall, ID for Wilderness First Aid class. On the way, we stopped for a visit at my Dad’s place. It was good to spend some time with them,...
Pretirement at last
Our last day of work was Friday, so we have now officially joined the ranks of the unemployed, the retired, and/or the crazy, tribe of couch surfing travelers. Whatever you call it, we like it. This is not to say...
Our first Big Step
We’ve taken our first Big Step towards our trip through Africa. On Friday, we sold our home. That same day, we loaded most of our household items and headed to put them into storage. By the end of the...