We have a departure date! One-way tickets to Africa are purchased and shipping for Snort is arranged.

We are feverishly finishing up last minute details on Snort, sorting out paperwork and other particulars, then will need to pack Snort for the 2- 3 years of living in Africa. We will be departing Portland on December 12th, driving to the Los Angeles area to put Snort on a ship for Durban, South Africa. From there we will get on a plane bound for Cape Town, South Africa and some 32 hours later will land. Snort’s ocean journey is expected to take 35 days port to port, this does not include time getting through customs, etc. We will spend the Christmas and New Year holidays with our dear friends, whom we met over 11 years ago during a dinner in Cape Town when we were there for our honeymoon. Who would have ever thought a simple conversation about desert with a couple at the next table would turn into such a friendship. We hope there to be many other such friendships made throughout our trek of Africa.
We have tidied up our map on our website so that once we are in South Africa, you can follow along to see where we are.
Also, you should start to see more posts on our blog (this thing that you are reading), as we will have more to share with you. For day to day updates, you can always have a peek at our Facebook or Instagram pages (which are both public and do not require a membership to view them).
While our initial plan of leaving last November turned out to be a bit over zealous, we would not trade the delay for anything. Not only were we able to take care of some mechanical issues with Snort, we were able to spend all of these extra days with our families and friends, whom will miss us dearly, as will we. Their concern, love and support has been and is greatly appreciated. We love them all more than words can express.