The number of adventures we have had with Snort has been amazing! But as our lives change and evolve, so do our vehicle needs. Though we are sad to offer our Jeep up for sale, we are excited about...
Introducing… Cawood Anchor USA
We have exciting news! Finally, after about a year of work (and a lot of patience) we are up and running with out business. Let me give you a little background on how Cawood Anchor USA came about. While...
Summer Fun 2021

Wow! What a busy summer we had! What seemed like maybe a month or so, has turned into 6 months. Thus, the account of our last 6 months will be more in photos than lengthy story. In April when...
Winter In Arizona

Our route from Houston, Texas to Tucson, Arizona was direct and quick. We had managed to escape freezing temperatures thus far and wanted to continue this trend. Our overnight stopovers were chosen based on night time temperature forecasts, hoping...
COVID, the Summer of Breakdown and the last of 2020

Well, it certainly wasn’t the year any of us had planned. As the world shut down, we found ourselves in Las Vegas, Nevada. We were to be part of an annual friend get together and the yearly holiday known...
Remember the Overland Adventure?

We were recently interviewed for a Four Wheeler Magazine article that ties back to the Overland Adventure we did in May 2019. They have been doing stories about the participants, one per issue, and our turn is coming up....
Our First Year(ish) Home

Well, what better time than sheltering in place during COVID-19 to bring our blog up to date. It is a bit shameful to realize that we have been home for 16 months and have not updated you all on...
South Africa 3: Journey’s End

Back in South Africa, Johannesburg to be specific, was heavy with deja vu. We had done nearly the same thing, nearly a year prior. Trailer in for repairs; check. Stay with our friends Roger and Jenni; check. This time...
The Southbound Run

Thus far through Africa, our pace was leisurely, to say the least. Distance covered was infrequently a concern of ours. As we crossed out of Rwanda into Tanzania, this changed. The damage to the trailer needed repair at the...
Uganda: More Than Expected

As far back as Botswana, other travelers had warned us. Even with all these warnings, we were not ready for how much we would love Uganda! The people are so warm and welcoming. The scenery is dynamic and awesome. ...
Kenya 2: Adventure!

The safari with our friends from home and my brush with the Kenyan legal system were behind us. We were looking forward to exploring Kenya with Paul and Julie. First though, we had to fix the leaking power steering...
Kenya 1: Old Friends, New Experiences

After finishing at the border post, we headed towards another camp on Lake Victoria in Kenya. Kenya took on a different look than Tanzania, even though we had only gone a few miles. More business along the road, less...
Tanzania 1: Adventures Good & Bad

Everything was working and we were excited to head into Tanzania. After an uneventful border crossing, we drove north towards Mbeya. A coffee estate there offered camping on their helipad, which sounded just fine to us. Utengule Coffee Lodge...
Malawi: Delicious Delays

“Welcome to Malawi, we speak English here!” the Malawian Immigration officer greeted us. Neither Jen nor I realized what a relief it would be to again be in an English speaking country. The people of Mozambique were as accommodating...
One Whole Year!

It hadn’t even dawned on us until a fellow traveler and new friend asked how long we had been traveling that we realized we have been living on the road for one year. One whole year! An entire year...
We’ve Been Published!

Expedition Portal has published my article reviewing the trailer. Give it a read here.
Mozambique 2: Friends, New and Old

Crossing the border into Mozambique, we had steeled ourselves for the long drive through Maputo. Our last trip through Mozambique’s capital had been enough for us to know we wanted to push through. As it turned out, we had...
Swaziland: Good Things in a Small Package

It started faintly, just at the edge of my hearing. When it got so loud I couldn’t ignore it, I asked Jen, and she heard it too. It would sometimes change, softer or louder, higher pitch or lower. I...
South Africa: Adventures in Maintenance

Our return to South Africa was only supposed to be a week or two at the most. We had lined up repairs with both Conqueror, the trailer manufacturer, and Zone Off Road, a Jeep specialty shop in the Johannesburg...